Your Vehicle Is Fully Insured By Our Insurance While Being Towed.
From the moment you call until your car is completely taken care of,
We guarantee excellent service.
We will pick up your car and tow it safely to your destination of choice.
* Redcliffe's Most Recommended and Respected towing service
within the local motor industry and community.
* Reliable friendly service with reasonable rates.
* We service Brisbane and surrounding suburbs.
* Manned Office for your convenience.
* We specialise in lowered and show cars.
* Best quality tilt tray trucks and equipment.
* All trucks fitted with the latest vehicle tie down system
as recommended by RACQ (NO CHAINS)
* We service All Insurance Companies.
* We service Qld. Emergency services and Local Government Departments.
* Secure Qld. Transport and Qld. Police Department Approved Holding Yard.
* For your convenience VISA and MASTERCARD Accepted.